Do you have body stress? Maybe you are suffering from aches or pains or difficulties which you regard as normal for you, or inevitable considering your age, temperament, life situation or your job. Or your problems have been labelled as of ‘unknown cause’, as medical tests and X-rays have not revealed any abnormality. It could also be you were diagnosed with a certain condition, and are undergoing treatment, but there is little or no improvement. You feel helpless and despairing at times. Or your condition may have been misdiagnosed, therefore your treatment is not aimed at the correct cause.
In each of these scenarios, a key element may be the fact that the nervous system is being undermined in its efficiency – which may be caused by stress. In the body, just as in any organization, communication is vital to success. The body depends on the two-way communication flow, between the brain and the cells, provided by the nervous system, in order to perform its natural process of self-healing.
Do the stress test
To assess whether your health problems involve some disturbance of communication, see if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions:
- Are you aware that you suffer from stress? (e.g. mechanical, mental or chemical stress? Read more)
- Do you suffer from severe headaches that come on suddenly for no apparent reason?
- Do you get out of bed in the morning with your lower back stiff or in spasm?
- Do you experience chest pain even though your medical tests are clear?
- Do calf or foot cramps wake you at night?
- Do you have difficulty breathing although you do not have asthma?
- Do you have recurrent bouts of cystitis?
- Do you experience the sense of needing to urinate frequently?
- Do you often experience heartburn or indigestion?
- Do you wake some mornings with your hands so weak that you can barely grasp objects?
- Does ‘restless leg syndrome’ keep you awake at night?
- Is your posture distorted?
- Do you look down at your laptop or phone a lot?
- Do you practice a lot of sports and do you feel like your body is getting tired or unstable / hurt?
- Do you not participate in sports at all and does your body feel stiff or like it’s in a cage?
- Do you often experience tight muscles in your back, neck and / or shoulders?
Babies and children: - Does your child have ‘growing pains’ in the legs?
- Does your baby / child cry constantly for no apparent reason?
- Does your baby / child have troubles eating?
- Does your baby / child have troubles sleeping?
- Does your child have problems concentrating?
If you answer ”yes” to any or most of the above questions, it could be that you are suffering from stress in your body. Please, always consult a doctor in case of pain/problems! Body Stress Release is not a diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. It is concerned only with locating and releasing stored tension, so that the body is assisted in its in-built ability to maintain and heal itself. If you are aware that stress could be the reason of your suffering, I am more than happy to help you set stress free from your body!